Monday, February 28, 2011


It's Time

I've updated my résumé, researched and targeted the organizations I know of where I think I'd be a good fit, and have written introductory cover letters. I've organized my portfolio and created this blog. I've looked at real estate here to prepare to sell the house. We've organized a list of "to do"s for the house sale.  I've had a preliminary discussion with my boss about my plans. We've looked at job possibilities and studio rentals for Terry. While in SC, I looked at a few houses with a real estate agent and identified the neighborhood in Greenville where we want to live. We've broken the news to our closest friends and family. It's only been 10 days. As my husband, Terry, says, the timing is right and our efforts are easily falling into place. It feels like everything has just been waiting in the wings for us to say "It's Time."