We hit one million with a ten-image idea pin showing simple Elf on the Shelf ideas posed with ceramic tile backgrounds. I am the creator and curator of a Pinterest channel for Why Tile, a public relations campaign to promote the benefits of using ceramic tile. The Why Tile initiative is more than just a bunch of beauty shots of ceramic tile but we certainly recognize that a strong vehicle for sharing the sustainability and durability advantages of ceramic tile can come in a beautiful package. Why Tile did not initially have a presence on Pinterest when I started working with them. I created the channel built on a strategy of sharing inspiring images of how to use ceramic tile. My singular goal was brand exposure that could lead users to WhyTile.com.
Why Tile’s first Pinterest boards covered rooms (e.g., kitchens), then projects (e.g., backsplashes), then more specifics (e.g., colorful laundry rooms) then trends (e.g., biophilic), and topics (e.g., sustainability), as well as related information (e.g., grout colors). I followed trends reports from Pinterest and other social channels, website traffic, time on page data, and input from our member companies to inform my next board creation. I created over 200 boards in less than four years. These boards are meant to inspire consumers shopping for tile and anyone specifying tile for a project, such as a designer, architect, or contractor, and are not meant as a path to purchase.
I knew from previous years of posting a few seasonal Elf pins that we would gain exposure and new users would see our brand but this explosion has been unexpected. The pin ultimately gre to 1.42 million
I remember when we received our first 100 followers on Why Tile and when our platform “reach” hit 10K. These milestones were just as much a celebration for me as when we hit our first thousand followers and our first pin reached 100K. But nothing compares to hitting one million, except maybe hitting two million (we also achieved over 2.1 M platform reach for the month).
The Elf pin keeps growing. I can share why I chose one image over another and why I posted the pin on a particular day. I could tell you how I ransacked my boss’ new house to take some of the photos and how I tore my clothes crawling around on the floor. I could rationalize that my expertise led to this success but I’d be laughing too hard to carry that off. This pin, mostly by chance, hit the right content at the right time. But, granted, I worked for it.
I monitored the growth of the pin day and night. I cross-checked data to understand the most popular days and hours, I researched authors of re-pins and responded to comments. I made new pins that were similar to compare how they would perform. Most importantly, I tracked new followers that were attributed to this pin. I’ve celebrated it all in my little party of one. No one else particularly cares. You shouldn’t either.
Our Elf on the Shelf pins are fun but they have nothing to do with our mission. It is whimsey created as a nod to the season with a huge shot of my own personality (sometimes most of the time I’m corny and believe everyone wants to have fun).
I know, and you know, this huge leap in our audience is temporary. I should get back to the important work of promoting ceramic tile as made of naturally-occurring materials (unlike plastic surfaces), that ceramic tile doesn’t give off toxic fumes or have VOCs, and that ceramic tile is actually a waterproof system you can count on. That’s the message I want you to care about.
If you happened to see our Elf pins, took note of our brand, and maybe visited our website (I’ll know more about that when we churn the website traffic numbers) then I fulfilled our mission via a unique path. Nothing wrong with that! We gained almost 200 new followers through this campaign and that’s the number with the promising future.
Cheers to the New Year!