Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Top Ten Reasons I LOVE Greenville

1. My childhood home
Now my home again!

2. Family
Most of the clan at my goddaughter's wedding.

3. Clean Water

4. Furman University (my alma mater)

A February walk around the lake.

5. Main Street and Falls Park

Me on the rocks at Falls Park in one of my dance costumes. The Falls are everyone's first choice for a photo shoot!

6. Restaurants!

7. Swamp Rabbit Trail

8. The Peace Center

9. Greenville Dog Park

10. The Greenville artist community, which I believe was ignited by the creation of Artbomb!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Good, clean water

You probably take your water for granted. I know I always did but I currently live in an area where the water is undrinkable...and I often even worry about bathing with it. We use a water service and I can only drink water when at home. I do not trust any local restaurant to thoroughly filter their water (consumer filters are not enough) and we do not have a water service at work. Some of my friends live outside of town and have wells but because of natural gas drilling in the area, their water is suspect of contamination. I was delighted to learn that Greenville's water was awarded top national honors. Just one more reason to relocate!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

AEP Award!

We won a 2011 AEP distinguished achievement award for "Candy Secrets," October 2010, a how-to feature encouraging kids to discover the ingredients of their Halloween candy. It's a fun article that took a lot of testing—it was embarrassing to buy so much candy for the tests and photo shoot! The kids for the shoot were fantastic and were very impressed with the experiments. Both planned to use what they learned to amaze their friends on Halloween. This was a difficult piece to organize for the best understanding of the steps, as well as to make look like fun. I had this in my portfolio before winning the award!