Thursday, August 19, 2021

Secret Passion

Perhaps in another life I would have been a movie director? Hardly, but I love the process of filming and editing video for short clips of information. Sometimes the videos are meant to help build community and sometimes they are meant for instruction and technical information. Either way, if you see me with my camera, get ready for your close-up.

Here's a short "thank you" video I created to accompany an e-blast message after the TCNA tradeshow.

This video is used to help customers of a specific floor test understand how the results of the test are determined.

This video instructs remote users of the equipment how to use it properly to achieve accurate test results.


After TCNA’s 2020 trade show, Coverings, was cancelled due to COVID-19, and Coverings 2021 was postponed from March to July 2021, it was exciting to gather face-to-face (masked) in Orlando for a much-anticipated first step back to “normal.” Collateral designs that had been sitting on my shelf for a year + were dusted off and updated. I still get goosebumps when opening a box of freshly-printed materials from the printer!

Why Tile Gatefold Brochure



Lab Services Gatefold Brochure

Antiviral Testing Postcard